[Download] The Mysterious Island Full Book Pdf Free Manga/comic
The Mysterious Island from Jules Verne Download book pdf for free. Fans says 'Che Verne sia oggi un autore abbandonato mi pare innegabile; lo vedi ancora sbucare qua e là negli scaffali dei libri per ragazzi, ridotto e illustrato, in faticosa competizione con la fornitissima produzione contemporanea. Questo stupendo romanzo di avventura, mistero e ingegno umano ha per fortuna una pubblicazione "adulta" per i tipi di Marsilio, un bellissimo paperback che non mi son lasciato sfuggire. Cosa non piace più di questo autore, perchè ha perduto il suo antico fascino il transalpino Giulio che sfidava Salgari nelle librerie di un tempo? Mah! Mistero più arcano di quello che nasconde la remota isola di Lincoln, luogo fuori dalle rotte conosciute del Pacifico in cui un gruppo di naufraghi atterra con una mongolfiera, in fuga dalla Guerra Civile americana. Le gesta dell'ingegnere Cyrus Smith col suo labrador, il marinaio Pencroff, il giornalista Gedeon Spilett, lo schiavo liberato Nab e il giovane Harbert sono probabilmente uscite dal mito collettivo, restando nello scrigno prezioso dei pochi che ancora oggi ne ripercorrono successi e fallimenti. Se questo è stato un "libro per ragazzi" d'altri tempi beh, mi vien da dire, che ragazzi in gamba si son formati! Oltre al sapore dell'avventura infatti il romanzo è un compendio misurato e attento di biologia, chimica, scienze, ingegneria, medicina, agricoltura, navigazione e chi più ne ha più ne metta, mai prolisso ma fuso e saldato efficacemente alla narrazione. Un capolavoro immortale con piega finale degli eventi ampiamente spoilerata in lungo e in largo nella rete; io non sono troppo sensibile e me ne sono fatto una ragione, ma in effetti può essere fastidioso scoprire il mistero dell'isola già a inizio lettura quindi il mio consiglio è: se volete intraprendere anche voi questa magnifica avventura, fatelo senza cercare troppo sul web, wikipedia inclusa. '
The Mysterious Island Story
The Mysterious Island story: After hijacking a balloon from a Confederate camp, a band of five northern prisoners escapes the American Civil War. Seven thousand miles later, they drop from the clouds onto an uncharted volcanic island in the Pacific. Through teamwork, scientific knowledge, engineering, and perseverance, they endeavour to build a colony from scratch. But this island of abundant resources has its secrets. The castaways discover they are not alone. A shadowy, yet familiar, agent of their unfathomable fate is watching. What unfolds in Jules Verne's imaginative marvel is both an enthralling mystery and the ultimate in survivalist adventures.
The Mysterious Island Review
The Mysterious Island Last year I participated with a group of friends in doing a Secret Santa. This was the book that my Santa gave me (as well as Gulliver's Travels). I think it was because of the fact I was moaning about the lack of any Verne on Maui. I am SOOOOO glad my santa chose this book for me. It was amazing. Yes there were some dry parts, unless you like painstaking detail about how to make Iron or Bricks, but even they were quickly dispatched, and could be skimmed without really mising anything. Verne's Characters rank in loveability with Characters such as Jim Hawkins,Rhett Butler,Huck Fynn and Tom Sawyer, as a matter of fact there were not many characters I did not like,other than the ones you were supposed to dislike. For me,IMHO, This Classic ranks right up there with The Count of Monte Christo, Great Expectations ETC. I have already read Journey to the Centre of the Earth and again in my humble opinion this outranks it by miles! If you are not familiar with Verne I think this qwould be a great one to start with. And no matter how knowledgeable you are, the end will leave you saying WTF. However, all the Mysteries of said Mysterious Island are dealt with and you are not left with the feeling of ok now what happens.
The Mysterious Island Last year I participated with a group of friends in doing a Secret Santa. This was the book that my Santa gave me (as well as Gulliver's Travels). I think it was because of the fact I was moaning about the lack of any Verne on Maui. I am SOOOOO glad my santa chose this book for me. It was amazing. Yes there were some dry parts, unless you like painstaking detail about how to make Iron or Bricks, but even they were quickly dispatched, and could be skimmed without really mising anything. Verne's Characters rank in loveability with Characters such as Jim Hawkins,Rhett Butler,Huck Fynn and Tom Sawyer, as a matter of fact there were not many characters I did not like,other than the ones you were supposed to dislike. For me,IMHO, This Classic ranks right up there with The Count of Monte Christo, Great Expectations ETC. I have already read Journey to the Centre of the Earth and again in my humble opinion this outranks it by miles! If you are not familiar with Verne I think this qwould be a great one to start with. And no matter how knowledgeable you are, the end will leave you saying WTF. However, all the Mysteries of said Mysterious Island are dealt with and you are not left with the feeling of ok now what happens.
Най-добрата и най-любимата моя приключенска книга, препрочел съм сигурно десетина пъти копието на баща ми, което вече е мое и ще бъде на сина ми! Балонокрушение на необитаем остров оставя нашите смели и разумни гер��и в едно незавидно положение - те трябва да се справят със своето оцеляване и го правят по екстравагантен и с вяра в науката и прогреса начин! Верн е във вихъра си в тази книга и не се спира пред нищо в сътворяването на този паметник на човешките знания и възможности, които се оказват без предел! Абсолютно настолна трябва да е за момчетата и момичетата от 7 до 15 годишна възраст и вярвам, че ще получим в резултат едно много по-смело и със сигурност по-отговорно и умело човешки поколение! Оригиналните илюстрации включени в моето издание също са чудесни! P.S. Както в последств��е научих, това е третата част от трилогия. Първите две книги са "Капитан Немо" и "Децата на капитан Грант", но всички те могат да се четат и самостоятелно при желание. The Mysterious Island
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